5-Star Hotels Closest to Chesapeake City

There are no true 5-star luxury hotels in Chesapeake City, however, we've compiled a list of Chesapeake City's nearest 5-star hotels located in other cities. While you'll find excellent hotels in most cities, 5-star hotels offer a level of amenities that are not available everywhere.

#1 Sagamore Pendry Baltimore

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#2 Four Seasons Hotel Baltimore

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#3 The Ivy Hotel

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#4 The Rittenhouse Philadelphia

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#5 Four Seasons Hotel Philadelphia at Comcast Center

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#6 The Ritz-Carlton, Philadelphia

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#7 Inn at Perry Cabin

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#8 Conrad Washington DC

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#9 The Jefferson, Washington, DC

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#10 Trump International Hotel Washington DC

  • 76 miles from Chesapeake City
  • 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest - Washington, DC
  • Near National Museum of Natural History
  • Hotel map and more information

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Star Ratings vs Guest Ratings

All of the hotels listed with TheRealPlaces are given star ratings based on the levels of service and amenities found at the hotel. These star ratings are awarded in half-star increments, ranging from 0.5 stars to 5 stars. They indicate the level of luxury that you should expect on your visit.

On the other hand, we also publish guest ratings for each of our hotels. Every guest is asked to rate their experience at the hotel using a 0-10 point scale. When you check prices and availability for a hotel, you'll be able to see the average guest rating and actual reviews for the five-star hotels closest to Chesapeake City.